
Monday, November 08, 2004

The story so far 

Have acquired an old Dell PC from my church. PII 233 MHz processor, 3 GB hard drive, 32 MB RAM, and have proceeded to install Mandrake 10.1 as the sole OS. This is the "community edition" version which came as this month's cover-CD on Linux Format magazine.

Went for a minimal install - no KDE or Gnome - though appear to have inadvertently installed OpenOffice.org. Have installed X.org but currently have no desktop installed.

The main purposes for which I'm hoping to use this PC are (i) web access; (ii) developing a fairly basic website for my church, to replace the current horror-story which, to protect the innocent, I'm not even going to link; and (iii) editing Word docs so I can work from home occasionally.

So I need to get online, get a browser sorted out and get some kind of WP (AbiWord?) that will read/edit/create MS Word files.

However, I'm likely to be able to upgrade my PC in a couple of months for something a little more suitable - still not what you'd call up-to-date, but more like 128 MB than 32 MB for starters. So upgrading the RAM on this machine isn't worth doing.

This blog is a place for me to record, for my own benefit, current problems and steps taken (and sources of advice found) to resolve them. However, I also have comments enabled and will welcome any suggestions to any of the issues covered.